Slim Thick Body

The most important part of your body is… Your skin. Before you decide to get slim , thick  or slim thick you have to prepare your skin…

Overnight “quick” transformation = Stretchmarks. Your skin cant handle it UNLESS you prepare or have good genetics. If you don’t believe me just Google teenage stretch marks…

EVEN young skin is prone to stretchmarks. It is NOT an age thing – its a too big too fast not enough skin prep issue.

I’ve seen guys out on South Beach with stretchmarks on their pecs… Why ? Because young guys want to get buff FAST in time for summer but forget about skin prep…

(I learned all kinds of natural, pre-op and post body transformation tips from working with in South Florida’s #1 hospital)

"Slim Thick Body" on eBay

Wealthy individuals prepare their bodies weeks before “having work done” to ensure that they heal quickly and with as little complications as possible… BUT they will NEVER tell you that…

I’ve seen “VIP patients” that look like they are in their mid-fifties but find out that they are actually in their seventies.

If you don’t prepare your skin to contract or expand you will be more likely to get stretch marks depending on your type of skin – As well as how gradual your transformation happens. The more gradual your transition the more time your skin / body has to adjust…

AND if you plan on having a faster transformation be sure to use Slim Thick Body Elasticity and Growth Cream.

Rub the cream into the areas you want curves. For me it is my chest and thighs. I rub it on at night before bed, right after a shower and before I get in the tub if I take a bath.

I have a Colombian friend that went from stick figure petite to MAJOR cuves. She has ZERO stretchmarks because she prepped her skin in advance, during and after – AND she is older than me. Her skin is smooth and FLAWLESS.

Slim Thick Body Skin Elasticity cream has over 10 all natural extracts proven to tighten skin and promote growth at the same time.

You will feel like you have a extra layer of skin while the natural extracts help induce blood flow and growth.

My Mother uses this on the back of her thighs to smooth them out.The viscosity of this cream is ULTRA hydrating / NON greasy and doesn’t contain petroleum jelly, shea butter or coconut butter. Slim Thick Cream does not contain any harmful ingredients or preservatives.

Get started on prepping for your transformation TODAY… What are you waiting for ?

Item will be shipped from South Florida.

We also have THICK Gains Booty Balm and Thick Gains Curve Boosting Soap.


Elasticity and Growth Cream

Prepare your skin and add curves at the same time.

You can purchase at

At we help individuals build and maintain the body of their dreams without expensive surgery. Our proprietary blend of natural estrogen help you gain the weight you need create, increase and maintain curves.

Slimming Soap.


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